Being a Brand Partner with LifeWave means you’re on a path to better wellness, entrepreneurial and financial opportunity, and meaningful connections and partnerships that will last a lifetime.
Be active with at least 110 PV within 31-day period
Must have purchased a Gold Pack** or upgrade, OR have a minimum Lifetime PV of 300
Have at least two personally sponsored active Brand Partners* with a minimum Lifetime PV of 180 on each leg
Be active with at least 110 PV within 31-day period
Must have purchased a Gold Pack** or upgrade, OR have a minimum Lifetime PV of 300
Have at least three personally sponsored active Brand Partners* on each leg
Have at least one personally sponsored paid-as Manager Rank Brand Partners or above on each leg
Senior Director
Achieve all qualifications for Director Rank listed above
Have at least two personally sponsored paid-as Director Rank Brand Partners or above
Earn 10,000 BV through line of sponsorship in 31-day period
Executive Director
Achieve all qualifications for Director Rank listed above
Have at least two personally sponsored paid-as Director Rank Brand Partners or above
Earn 50,000 BV through line of sponsorship in 31-day period
Presidential Director
Achieve all qualifications for Director Rank listed above
Have at least two personally sponsored paid-as Director Rank Brand Partners or above
Earn 100,000 BV through line of sponsorship in 31-day period
Senior Presidential Director
Achieve all qualifications for Director Rank listed above
Have at least two personally sponsored paid-as Director Rank Brand Partners or above
Earn 200,000 BV through line of sponsorship in 31-day period